alert ngo – Page 3 – Amenity Lifeline Emergency Response Team
August 9, 2023

alert VoICE – Nirmal Kumar

On November 25, when I was riding home on my bike, I came across a loud accident. I observed that one bike had collided with another bike at great speed and either of the drivers hadn’t worn helmet!
February 14, 2022

CPR Training – The Seven Steps

July 21, 2021
AMM School First aid workshop

Basic First Aid Skills that Parents Should Teach their Children

Many think that first aid is not a mandatory skill to learn unless you are working in an institution that requires you to learn it.
July 21, 2021

4Ps of First Aid

As a first responder, you are welcome to make medical decisions based on the injury but you also must promote the learning of first aid. First aid is given to prevent any further aggravation of an injury for the injured. Here are the 4Ps of first aid.